Ordinary Time - Week 02 - Year c

The First Miracle of Jesus

(From Conversation with God, Fernandez Carvajal)

A wedding takes place in Cana. This town is only a short distance from Nazareth, where the Virgin Mary lives. As a friend or relation, she is present at this modest celebration and Jesus has been invited as well, with his first disciples.

It was customary for the women who knew the family to help in the preparation of all that was needed. The wedding feast began and, either through lack of foresight or because there turned out to be an unexpectedly large number of guests, the wine ran out. Our Lady, who is helping, realises that the wine is running sort. Jesus is there, her Son and her God; the Messiah has just begun his public preaching and ministry. She, better than anyone else, knows this. The Gospel of today's Mass presents to us this simple and loving dialogue which takes place between the Mother and the Son. The Mother of Jesus said to him, "They have no wine." Without asking for anything, she points to a need. They have no wine. She teaches us to pray. Jesus answered her: "0 woman, what have you to do with me? My hour has not yet come." It looks as if Jesus is going to refuse Mary what she asks. But Mary, who knows the heart of her Son very well, behaves as though He had acceded to her petition immediately: "Do whatever he tells you", she says to the servants. Mary is a mother who is more attentive to all our needs than any mother on earth ever has been or ever will be. The miracle takes place because Our Lady has inter ceded; it happens only because of her petition.

Why do Mary 's prayers have such efficacy before God? The prayers of saints are the prayers of servants, whereas those of Mary are the prayers of a Mother, whence they receive their efficacy and authoritative character. As Jesus' love for his mother is limitless she cannot ask for anything without being heard. Nobody asked the Blessed Virgin to intercede with her Son on the distressed couple's behalf. Above all, Mary's heart, which never fails to have pity on the unfortunate impelled her to take upon herself the task of intercessor and beg her Son for the miracle, even though nobody had asked her to. If Our Lady acted thus without being asked, how would it have been if they 'had' asked? What will we not receive if we persist in turning to her time and again?

Virgin most powerful. This is the name Christian piety has given to our Mother Mary, because her Son is God and cannot refuse her anything. She is always aware of our spiritual and material needs; she desires, even more than we do, that we should not cease imploring her intervention before God on our behalf. There we are, so needy and yet so slow to ask! We show so little trust, so little patience when what we ask for seems a long time in coming!

Oughtn't we to turn more frequently to Our Lady? Shouldn't we put more trust into our petitions, knowing that she will always obtain for us all that we need most? If she obtained from her Son wine that was not absolutely necessary, will she not find a solution for all those urgent needs that we have?


Tuesday, 24 Dec 2024 – Christmas Eve:
07h00 – Mass
17h30 – Christmas Carols
18h00 – Christmas Vigil Mass

Wednesday, 25 Dec 2024 – Christmas Day:
08h00 – Christmas Mass
09h30 – Christmas Mass
11h00 – Christmas Mass

Thursday, 26 Dec 2024 – St Stephen:
08h00 – Mass

Friday, 27 Dec 2024 – St John:
07h00 – Mass

Sunday, 29 Dec 2024 – The Holy Family:
08h00 – Mass
09h30 – Mass
11h00 – Mass

Wednesday, 01 Jan 2025 – Solemnity of Mary Mother of God:
08h00 – Mass


Monday to Friday:

18h00 (Vigil Mass)



Before every morning Mass.

Before and during Saturday evening and Sunday Masses.

For confession outside of these times, please contact Fr Joe or the Parish Office.